Started The Human Resources Development Course of Digital Manufacturing (LeMMI 4.0) in collaboration with BPSDMI – Indonesian Ministry of Industry

Started The Human Resources Development Course of Digital Manufacturing (LeMMI 4.0) in collaboration with BPSDMI – Indonesian Ministry of Industry

 Lexer Research Inc. has been promoting industrial human resource development in Indonesia by utilizing the JICA SDGs program from FY2019. As the second phase of this project, we will start a dissemination demonstration activity with BPSDMI – Indonesian Ministry of Industry as the counterpart.

 Lexer Research Inc. has been promoting industrial human resource development in Indonesia by utilizing the JICA SDGs program from FY2019. As the second phase of the project research project in this project, we will start a dissemination demonstration activity in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry of Indonesia this year. Here, the Industrial Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI), which is one of the agency inside the Indonesian Ministry of Industry, will serve as a counterpart to provide in-service education and student education in the manufacturing industry.

 We are developing a digital manufacturing human resources education program for the Indonesian industry called “LeMMI 4.0”, and we will promote the practical development of this human resources development program.

 Specifically, from July 26, a course to learn digital engineering and lean automation to advance the Indonesian manufacturing industry will be held at the Polytechnic STMI Jakarta under the guidance of BPSDMI. Here, by utilizing our production simulator GD.findi, We provide a place to learn the advanced design of production system, the waste elimination in production lines, the productivity improvement, and engineering methods to improve overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). In addition, we will transfer equipment for learning LCA (Low Cost Automation) from Japan to Indonesia for practical education. 

 In the future, after conducting instructor education through ToT (Training of Trainer), we plan to implement in-service education and student education in cooperation with the trained instructors.
 Through this project, we will disseminate our digital engineering technology and engineering skills to the Indonesian industry and support the skill improvement of the Indonesian manufacturing industry.


Learn more about GD.findi, click here.