Rapid Engineering Technology for Every Production Engineer.

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A rapid engineering technology for every production engineer.

About GD.findi

GD. findi is a no code, model-based production simulator unlike any conventional simulator. GD. findi’s simulations are used in a variety of manufacturing scenes, from improving existing production lines and verifying new production lines as well as optimizing production plans.

Best for You

We provide solution methods for irregular behavior in a manufacturing setting by Virtualizing issues.

Why Better?

Model-based and autonomous agents accelerate engineering operations​

Low Cost

GD.findi MS does not require special development, thanks to its patented data-model technology.

No Code

Unlike conventional production simulators, GD. findi can be operated and simulated without any programming.

High Utilization

With conventional simulator, application to different targets requires separate program development.​ However GD.findi can implemented wide rage of taegets.

Wide coverage, Small project can be carried

Conventional simulators can only be applied to large-scale projects due to its cost of development, but GD. findi has no special development costs and can utilize the power of simulation even for small-scale projects.